We had a great time at the drive in last night. We got to watch two great films, both of which we wanted to see. I have to admit, I was looking forward to seeing one more than the other, we saw Captain America, and Rise of the planet of the Apes, Rise of the planet of the apes was such an amazing film. I am so wanting that on Blu-ray! I enjoyed Captain America too. And during Captain America, somewhere far behind us, they were shooting off fireworks wow, it was pretty cool lol. It was an absolutely perfect night for the drive-in. The weather was so perfect, since it's been humid and hot lately, even at night. Last night was so perfect!! We couldn't be any happier, and no freaking mosquitoes, a few little bugs here and there, and we even smelt a skunk, haha, that was funny. Eventually that horrible smell subsided, thank Continue Reading