There you go, very simple. Trump won. I woke up at about 3 am to feed Lily and Daisy, they have strange hours and Lily will make sure we hear her lol. Got up, turned the TV on, and there it was. Trump won! Few minutes later, he came out to speak, I'm glad I got to see that live in real time. And yes we are Trump supporters. I don't need or want to debate about any politics with anyone, we are just happy with the results. All day today, all I see is negativity, and hate. Some threatening to move to Canada, I feel if that makes them happy, I wish them well. People were unfriending each other based on their political views, wow right? Come on, grow up! Not everyone is not going to have the same views, that is that is what makes us different and unique, but to go to that extent geez, I guess this post may prompt some to unfriend me. Ah Continue Reading