Oh my gosh, I am still waiting for spring to really arrive, I feel like I am always complaining about that, but I am so over winter!! I know, when the real hot weather comes, then I'll be complaining, buy oh my gosh. It's been super windy last few days, plus a bit of a chill. Ugh I am so so over winter!! I have seen signs of spring though, which does make me happy, and I know it's not too far away :) The birds have begun chirping, things are blossoming, but yet, it's windy and still chilly. I have been really busy lately, just the last two days have finally been just relaxing, reading a few things on websites. But since my last post, I have been working on my other websites, and by the time I finish doing some work I have to leave for the day, and then I get no time to post anything. I know, there is no excuse! But really there is lol. Continue Reading
Hello November
Gosh October has just flown by. Where does time go? It goes way too fast, and I seem to always say this. So the last few days, I have been feeling miserable, with this cold & cough that won't go away, it sucks so badly. I'll get over it soon. William my sweet boyfriend has been so good, taking care of me. I hope he don't catch it. See boyfriends are good for something. No I'm kidding, they are good for so many wonderful things, and my baby has a lot of love to give, and vice versa. So I finally put kiss-me.org and on a closed status as I have moved my website to another domain, finally I can't believe I did it. And list-me.com is under construction, finally did that too, I really want to upgrade the script, and I'm finally starting the stages into doing that. I can't be 100% sure that I will be able to keep everyone listed, I'm Continue Reading
Super Pooped
Omg we went on a shopping trip to Target, yes I love shopping there, always get great deals, saved like $40, which is fantastic, if you use a combination of coupons, Target and Manufacturer, no we are not extreme shoppers, but we will save where we can, and I try to almost always use coupons when I go shopping, for everything even clothing, heck I even got a coupon for $2 off a pair of jeans for Women or Men, that's pretty cool! And to top that off, find things on sale or clearance, woohoo go us!! We also popped into Walgreens and CVS for a few little items, but the biggest shop was Target, I am so pooped! Oh I am so happy, my collective has finally been moved yay. I don't have a layout put up yet, but I will try to be working on that ASAP, as I want to move the rest of my listing, I had only done my fan listing, but now I have name Continue Reading