Yeah, that is correct. Here I go again, trying to lose weight. I did it before, and things just went wrong. I am not going to go in-depth about that, as I have already posted a blog about it when it happened. If I can dig up the blog post, I will add a link in this post leading you to that post. I finally got tired of being overweight, it happens to us all, but for me, I just had enough of it. I am tired of it. I don't feel well, well I do feel well, but my knees are bothering me. I am 5'1 small framed but I am way overweight, into the obese category sad to say I am 58 and I don't want to die because I am overweight. I am being brutally honest with you all here. However, I hope all that changes. I started my diet officially on Jan 2, 2023, and on that day I weighed in, to see where I would be starting. My weight at the time was Continue Reading
Momo is On The Mend
Momo, the feral cat with the injured eye, is in my basement crate. Recovering from his surgery, he was successfully neutered, and they gave him a shot that lasts for 2 weeks to heal his eye. They asked if I could keep him for at least a week to see if his eye was improving. He hasn't eaten or drunk since the day I trapped him, which was Aug 8, 2022, after 5:30 pm. That is concerning me. He loves wet food, I left him food twice, the first day he was recovering from anesthesia, and then on the last night the 9th after I got him into the crate, he just seems bummed out, and depressed, I understand he is in a new environment, and he will come out of his shell when he is really hungry. This is my first TNR so I am not used to it. Normally, when a male cat is neutered, soon after they are released, as long as they are completely aware, and Continue Reading
Weigh-in #16 – Keeping On The Path
I’m embarrassed to say that I got really behind, so I had to post-date my last weigh-in, and then post this one. There is just so much going on. And it’s not so much with my life, but with the world. Just this week, they have Ebola in Atlanta now?? What is going on, why would the government risk our lives like this? Are they so certain they have a cure? I’m worried and getting worried more each day to the point, we are prepping, and why do you ask? Because you just don’t know! We are beginners, and all that, I am not going to bore you with that stuff. Maybe I’ll start another blog, just for that. For now, let’s talk about my weigh-in. I’m happy with it, I didn’t gain, yay!! I lost 2.2 lbs, woohoo! I am right on the nail with my weight loss, according to plan, I hope, no I will lose 100 lbs at the end of my dieting year! Woohoo! I can’t Continue Reading