Here are a few pictures of the backyard and how full of leaves it gets. It is chilly today and I am actually wearing jeans and a 3/4 sleeve top, I have my hair down. I usually wear it up during the summer but it keeps my back warm. That is the best part of having long hair. The cat in the picture is Lilo, he is a stray I feed, love him, and would love to be his new mommy. Actually, I think he may be a she. So sometimes I call her Lilo, sometimes I call her Lila lol. I thought maybe the name Molly, but that reminds me of someone that was not so very nice to me. I can't tell if it is a boy or a girl. I can't get close enough, and the tail is down all the time LOL. About a year or two ago, we went into the backyard, made a huge pile of leaves and threw them up in the air and caught it on camera and video, that was so much fun. We Continue Reading
It’s Fall Ya’ll, Finally!
I was beginning to wonder when Fall would actually hit us here in Massachusetts, at least where we are. And yes it is here, it is cold and my hands are drying up faster now. I have to continuously moisturize them or they can get bad, same with my legs and arms. This is our first Fall in our new home, it is so super exciting. We get lots and lots of leaves fall in the backyard, my honey mows them up and throws them into the little forest behind us. We did see what it was like during the Winter as we got the end of Winter time here. It was very deceiving, the yard is much bigger than it looks. It is one of those illusion type things lol. What do I have to share with you? Not a whole lot! Doing the YouTube thing so I will share a few videos with you. I did a little DIY I did recently to cover the back of my chair, it is what I call a Continue Reading
Saturday Smiles – Changing Seasons
Today is a fun, Saturday Smiles, as it has to do with photography, Massachusetts, and seasons changing. We are getting ready for some change of the season again. We can already feel that cool weather settling in. I don’t ask for an iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts anymore, no need for that. Instead, I make myself a nice cup of tea, yeah it’s that time. When summer began, I did a little project where I took pictures of these two trees out in front, one in front of our window, the other one directly across the street. I tried going out every day until the tree was full of leaves after I finally finished. I went back to look, and it’s so amazing how you can see the tree fill up with leaves. I plan to make a little video, showing the changes. It was really cool. I went out at the same time of the day. Pretty awesome that the season changing Continue Reading