I'll be the first to say, I <3 my gadgets, but do they run my life?? Granted that they aren't as important as the tools from C Larboard, but no, not really, but we are dependent on them, to make life easier, quicker and be social without really being social, LOL. Does that make sense?? It does in my head. How many of you find yourself taking your phone to the restroom, when you really shouldn't?? *raises hand*, yeah I admit it, I can't help it, I should take a magazine lol. Reading should be something, I do more than anything else, liker playing games, or tweeting or facebooking, or even watch YouTube videos. But I can't help myself, can you? So again, I ask. Do gadgets run your life??? Makes you think doesn't it? I guess being dependent on these wonderful gadgets in a way does kind of mean they run our lives, or better yet, we just Continue Reading
30 Days Of Truth: Day 15: Something Or Someone You Couldn’t Live Without, Because You’ve Tried Living Without It
Wow this can go either way, I can talk about what gadget/person I can't live without, hmm what shall I do? Maybe touch on both? I honestly do not think, but if I had to, I would can live without my wonderful beautiful mobile phone Nexus, it's not bulky it can fit in my hand, and my bag. Opposed to a laptop which I adore but it is bulky, and I can do a lot of things on my phone that I can do on my laptop, communicate with people, which is something I have the need for, who doesn't? Photos, oh gosh yeah lots of photos, endless photo taking! I remember when I dropped my old Blackberry in water, and I swore it was not going to work, I read that dropping it in water it would destroy it, well I was so lucky, that baby held on for me until we got our upgrade. It did me good, but I needed to move on. I'm going a bit off topic here, but what I Continue Reading