We are having terrible weather on this Mother's Day, however, that is not taking away from it being Mother's Day. I choose to stay home today, as my honey took his mother to visit his Grandmother. She's been dealing with some heavy stuff these days with the nursing home case, so we have tried our best to support her and keep her company. At her age it must be scary to have to deal with things alone. We were able to find a good nursing home abuse attorney that comes well recommended. They're a friend of a friend, and they're taking good care of us. The old lady doesn't always know exactly what's going on but we try our best to tell her she doesn't need to worry about things too much, and we'll let her know when her input is needed. She already suffered enough, I can't imagine dealing with someone being abusive while being old and alone in Continue Reading
Best Oldies Songs Ever
So I was reminiscing earlier today as we drove around, we took a nice drive around today, I had a nice time! Anyway as we drove around, we listed to the radio a bit, and usually I'll want to listen to some rock, so I do what I do so best, I went switching around the stations and we came upon a radio station where they were playing the best oldies songs ever! As I mentioned earlier I was reminiscing. I was remembering when I was in high school and Jr. high school, and the school would hold the annual 50's dance, omg I remember it so well. When I was in Jr high I didn't care much about it, but when I was in high school that was a whole different thing. I remember asking my dad to make me a poodle skirt and he did. OMG I have a photo somewhere hehe. Seriously, I remember going to thrift stores, trying to find a pair of oxford shoes, OMG Continue Reading
How Was Your Mother’s Day?
My mother's day was all over the place. Not that I literally went everywhere, because it turned out we only went for a drive just to get out of the house, which was really nice by the way. There was a lot of emotions going around on Mother's Day. As some of you may know, my mother passed away close to 10 years ago, so it does kind o suck on Mother's Day, yes I shed a few tears because I miss her so much. She's in a better place, and so am I. I have to admit I wish she could see me now, and be in my life right now to share the happiness I am living. I know she is watching over me, and smiling, so I have that comfort to live with. I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's day and took the time to at least call your Mother even if things are bad or good, it's one phone call it won't kill you! Same goes for Father's day or someone's birthday, Continue Reading