Why does getting organized take so much time. You realize how much you have when you do the littles of organizing lol. Even keeping up with my planner takes time. So it is a lot of stuff I try to juggle. Sometimes I think I overwhelm myself so much. I get stressed, and then I get a weird head ache that only affects my left back side, weird, like right behind my ear. Is that possibly from the fall down the basement stairs last year? Gosh I hope not :( This is how I feel sometimes, except my hair doesn't get like that hehe. I am seriously thinking of just donating some nail polishes that I have had for a long time since I have newer polishes now. I really love my OPI, China Glaze, Orly, Essie, Julep, KISS Gel I have a lot of Sinful Colors that I really don't want to part with, but if I did, I would rather sell the lot to someone Continue Reading
Happy New Year!!! 2018 Wow Right??
A new year, better planning & organizing, selling on ebay and losing weight. Those are pretty much my New Years Resolutions, we will revisit this in December/January see how I am doing. This post sat here unwritten for 2 days, today is January 4th, 2018. I began with my resolutions and look at me still falling into my old ways *kicks self* lol. Happy New Year everyone. I hope you all had an amazing and memorable holiday. We had a very nice one, even while I was sick for the entire time. At the writing of this post, I still have a cough that is slowing making its way out the door thank goodness. Being sick for the holidays wasn't fun, but I tried my best to keep the cheer going. Did my home decorating, shopping and all. It was our first Christmas in our new home, so it was exciting! Yesterday we were hit with a blizzard, thank goodness Continue Reading
Happy April, lol Days Later!
So I am a busy bee, and believe it or not. My days go so fast, I don't have time for much. Which saddens me, because I want to do a lot. And the day just runs out. Since dieting, and since my honey bought me a treadmill, I walk all day, not consistently lol, I try to do 30 min sessions, but when I get started late, I have to almost do them back to back, so I get very tired, my poor bones and joints LOL. I need to time manage better I suppose, but I feel I want to do so much, that I turn out not doing much. Which really sucks, because it really bums me out. Anyway, another thing is organisation, something I want to work on as well. The new trend seems to be planners, well it's been around for while, but it's getting big now. So I am going to jump on the bandwagon, but not sure which way to go. Erin Condren, or some others I have Continue Reading