For the past 2 days, I've been working on my collective site over at KM and I have been working on upgrading, I think it's an upgrade from FanUpdate to WordPress because there are no more updates being made for FanUpdate, and as much as I liked it, and as easy as it was to install. I felt I needed something that has more updates and fixes. So I decided to install WordPress. Everything is going fine, just creating my pages, as I want my site to be used all around not just the blog portion of it. Lot's of pages, but I will be 100% happier. I have some issues with the Keep In Mind script, I also upgraded that one from the old one I had, which I'm happier about. But getting it to integrate with WP is another thing, so that will take some time. I may, for the time being, make a little layout just for just my KIM, until I figure out how to Continue Reading