I feel like I am every where lately. I'm trying to work on multiple things at once. Does that make things go slower? Perhaps, but it gives me satisfaction that I'm doing something, and not just forgetting about everything and focusing on one thing. I try to spread my time over several things. Although I have to admit I am focusing a little more on the directory, which I am diligently working on. I'm almost close to being done, and I'm really excited about that! I'm still debating about Pixelfx, not too sure about it. I want it to be a tutorial website, but I don't have the time for that at all. So thought it could be a great place for resources, my posts would be to other tutorials and websites with resources. I know there are a lot of websites like that, but I thought it would be cool. I can get picky and such. Again I'm not sure, I Continue Reading
I Think It’s Really Here
Yeah Fall is definitely here. Oh my goodness I can feel it in my bones, literally lol. No joking. My knees hurt more, when it's cold. I can't really have the windows open anymore, although I have to say less bugs come inside, I'm such a bugophobic haha, you know what I mean. I hate bugs like no one has ever seen. I think if someone ever played a really cruel joke on me that involved bugs like spiders or crickets. I think I would have a heart attack. I'm not kidding you. I would scream and run around like a chicke without a head, that's just crazy, don't ever do that, because I'll hate you lol. So I briefly talked with William about this awesome new phone coming out the Samsung Nexus, I have a couple of videos to share, but the features oh my goodness, it rocks totally rocks. It's suppose to come out in November of 2011, and WE are so Continue Reading
Inconsiderate People
I have a rant, it's about inconsiderate people. Ok I have several domains, that I am trying to keep up with and update. Sometimes I just don't have the time to do it. Anyway at Pixelfx.org I host people, for nothing!! Not one little penny yes? Okay so I ask very simple things from these people. Keep in touch with me, let me know you are going to go on hiatus for more than a month, notify me when you are moving out, and link me back somewhere. Not a lot to ask for being hosted free yes? Well I decide to do a bit of clean up and check some of my hostees see whats going on with their websites, well one hasn't completely moved in and its been well over the amount of time I give her, so I'll be sending her a email, another didn't bother to tell me he moved out and just left the contents as they were (thank you peanut), another runs a Porsche Continue Reading