Server moves are such a pain in the ass, especially if they don't go according to plan. There are times things just happen, and it happened to me. I was so upset because at one point I thought I lost all my blog posts for the past 5 years. I blog a lot more these days, than I did when I first started. While I was in England I didn't blog, I actually closed my blog for awhile, because my ex didn't like me wasting my time online? Isn't that something? So for about a year or two it stayed closed. I kept it because I liked the name, and knew one day I would reopen it. After leaving England coming back to the US, I did reopen, and started once again to get where I was before. I do wish I would of saved my archives from before but they got lost somewhere. I guess that's why I was so upset to almost losing my back up. Thinking 'Oh No, not Continue Reading
The #Patriots Are Sent Off With A Bang!
So today the Patriots left on their memorable journey to the final destination, Super Bowl City! Woohoo!! I am so proud of those boys, they have made us Patriots fans proud. Just the other day I got my package which included the AFC Championship t-shirt and Cap, yay! I was so happy to get it, take a look, so super cool isn't it *beaming with pride* Patriots!! Patriots!! Patriots!! Yeah I know I am just way too excited, and probably can't help but continue to talk about it, sorry deal with it please!! Patriots fans were invited today to celebrate their send off, even though I didn't go, I did watch some of it on TV, it was so crowded there I probably wouldn't of got as good of a look as I would seeing it on TV, but you better believe when they return with the Super Bowl trophy and the win under their belt, I will be there to see Continue Reading