Now and then I do like to watch comedy, but I am so picky when it comes to comedy, there are certain people that can pull it off so well. I remember as a kid growing up, watching the black and white TV show I Love Lucy, now that was some natural comedic talent there. I just loved watching her, and how natural her comedy was, even to this day, once and a while I will come across her show, and will have to site and watch it, even though I have watched it many times before, and will continue so as long as it continues to be aired. Well my A to Z isn't about I Love Lucy tv show or anything she has been in. I brought that up because of the natural talent she had, which is what I find as well in Will Ferrell, I mean all he has to do is look a certain way and it'll make me crack up. Now today's film is a comedy with some drama in it, even Continue Reading
Until Next Year
Wow Christmas is over as fast as it came, it's gone! Yesterday before going to a family dinner, we stopped off and picked up some Christmas wrapping paper and bags, for 50% off, we were going to give some to William's sister but they said they had plenty from the year before, so they didn't need any. I think now we are set for like the next 2 years, unless we turn out wrapping a car!! Haha! At least we know we won't run out, and that is a sense of relief. I remember growing up, and someone always had to run out because we would run out of Christmas wrapping paper. William told me last night, the only thing we will need is tape. I wouldn't suggest stocking up on that, for some reason I imagine the tape not being as good when next year's Christmas wrapping time comes around. Is that just my imagination or can there be some truth to Continue Reading