Wow another year :( Now I'm feeling old, na I'm kidding I don't feel old, not at all. Don't ask me how old I am cos I won't tell you :P Just be happy for me, and wish me a good one. I didn't do anything for my bday, for a good reason. I am, I have to admit sick :( I caught a cold and it's not picnic I tell you, it sucks actually. You can't sleep cos of all the coughing, and then when you cough too much your head turns out hurting among the other annoying little things. I have been looking for my usb cord so that I can attach my external hard drive and I can't for the life of me find it. I need it! There are things on there I need access to. For one there is a lovely theme I'd like to put up here since summer is well over now, I need to change this theme. I'll find it! That wordpress update thing keeps staring at me. I need to do that, Continue Reading