Momo, the feral cat with the injured eye, is in my basement crate. Recovering from his surgery, he was successfully neutered, and they gave him a shot that lasts for 2 weeks to heal his eye. They asked if I could keep him for at least a week to see if his eye was improving. He hasn't eaten or drunk since the day I trapped him, which was Aug 8, 2022, after 5:30 pm. That is concerning me. He loves wet food, I left him food twice, the first day he was recovering from anesthesia, and then on the last night the 9th after I got him into the crate, he just seems bummed out, and depressed, I understand he is in a new environment, and he will come out of his shell when he is really hungry. This is my first TNR so I am not used to it. Normally, when a male cat is neutered, soon after they are released, as long as they are completely aware, and Continue Reading