That's right, early this morning we took Alice to the Rhode Island train station, I was a bit annoyed, not at her or anyone but at Four Square, their servers were down and I couldn't check in, BOOO!!! So I guess I'll live without it. You know I use to twitter and I really wish they would come up with a better app, so that if I wanted to I can post pictures to twitter and such. I use seesmic now because they allow me to use my account on it, it's much nicer to look at, compared to the one I used before. I post to other places so that's why I use to do my tweeting. I got off track. So I walked with her to get her ticket, and gave hugs. I felt kind of sad leaving her there. I will miss her even though she thinks I won't. She's been a special person in my life, and even though best friends hit a lot of road bumps, we Continue Reading