I have many times wanted to visit Florida, specifically city of Boca Raton, I have heard great things about it. My boyfriends father lives in Florida, not sure what part though, that's a whole other story as to why I don't know lol. But yeah we have had conversations about living there, but honestly I'm not a big fan of humidity, but hey if it's anything like it is here, then I will be fine :) So I told him yeah it would be a good place to retire (not that we are ready for that yet) lol. But it's good to do a little planning. So I told him, it would be amazing to be able to have our very own custom home architect, and have the house designed for us. He thought yeah that would be pretty amazing, so he may be up for it, when the time comes. Imagine having your house built the way you want it, you can even put in a panic room, or a secret Continue Reading
Bleach Is Evil!
I do, I really do. I like snow more, it's just so much prettier to look at than rain hehe. Oh I did such a stupid thing today. I was doing laundry and I wanted to put some bleach in the water, well I was opening a new container of bleach. I was using my right hand, as I'm right handed. Well I kind of injured that arm not too long ago, so it's weaker and I couldn't pull off that tab they have on it. So I used my other hand, I pulled, I believe the bottle was very full, and then as I'm pulling *splash* ahhh I splashed some bleach on my new Patriots t-shirt OMG I am sooo pissed off, at myself!! Grrr. I haven't even had the t-shirt for a 2 months and look what I did. I started to cry like a baby lol. William was being a sweetheart and trying to cheer me up. Thank you William :hugleft: I hope to get another one, because I loved that shirt, Continue Reading
Feels Like Yesterday
Goodness lol, it feels like I just blogged yesterday hehe. So what has happened since then. Well I finally got myself (William got it) a table to put my things on for ebay stuff, and the extra plus there is, I can use it for my brand new sewing machine, omgosh I love that machine. I grew up around sewing machines, I always wanted to use one, but they were the industrial type, the big expensive, like metal ones. When I was about 11-13 years old, my parents had their own shop, they made ladies clothing anyway I loved it because I had dibs on some of the things, but I also was around the machines, and I helped out some, so it was fun *sometimes* lol. Anyway since then I have wanted my own sewing machine, but it just never happened. I would find myself staying up at night, just browing the different models and crafty projects onΒ DoYouSew.com Continue Reading