It is finally time to say goodbye to the Ipsy Glam Bag and the Birchbox monthly subscriptions. I noticed over the passed 2 years that I have a lot of things I don't really need or use, others may feel differently, but IMHO, I really got bored with them. Ipsy had some super cute bags, but sometimes, the bags were useless and ugly, and other times they were a great hit. The one little thing I didn't like apart from, well repeated things, is that their card never listed the items that were in the box, it made it so hard to make my videos. Lol, I would literally have to keep a browser window open for each one so I can give accurate information. Unlike Birchbox that did send a card with all the lovely items that were in the box, but again, I kept getting repeated things, I really didn't need. I know they are samples for one to try Continue Reading