The news has said we have a blizzard coming in our area, due tonight at midnight. My concern is any stray cats that are out. I haven't seen any in the past few days, so I am praying they found somewhere to hold up, and are being fed. I feed them when I see them, mainly 2 cats I have named Lilo and Sammy. I don't know if you recall or not but Sammy started showing up about a year ago, and he is used to us feeding him, but as he grew older, he would start chasing off Lilo, whom I love a lot, he has been coming around for almost 3 years, still cannot pet him or get close enough, but he did know that we would feed him. Edit: Tonight at about 6:30 pm EST my husband spotted Lilo under the deck, I quickly made him a plate of food and my husband placed it under the deck. I hope he eats it all, I have a cat house under the deck but it is not Continue Reading
Believe It Or Not!
I am getting my very first bible. I never had my own. I know as a kid, we did get to some Sunday schooling but that ended, not sure why. But I had a little pink book with a cross in a little window on the cover. I believe that was old testaments. To be honest I have no idea what happened to that. I sure wish I still had it. After I moved from my parent's home (after my mother, RIP, passed) I moved to England purely out of depression, not a great choice. I have things that I regret and that is one of them. Although on that same note the events that followed, lead me to my current husband. So as it is always said. God has a reason for everything. I truly believe that now, deeply in my heart. About the Bible, I think I wrote about it in my other blog, so I am going to copy and paste most of that part of the post. It is a New James Continue Reading
Hello November, already?
This year pretty much flew by pretty quick. I think everyone is looking forward to 2021, I know I am. However I think most of it will be very similar to how it is now. You can't expect change overnight, that is just not realistic. We had snowfall the day before Halloween, that is the first for me here in MA! We usually don't get it until like February, but this was very unexpected, does this mean winter will be filled with a lot of snow? This is possible. Which leads me into my next thought. The stray cats we feed, I know people say don't feed them or they will keep coming around. Well, hello that is the whole purpose I feed them, so they can come around and get something to eat. I pretty much consider them my cats, it just a matter of time before they will let me get close enough to pet and eventually pick them up. I really want Continue Reading