Isn't this just the case though? As we get older it seems like time speeds up! Don't you just hate that?? I do. So I have been pretty busy lately. About a month ago, we went shopping at Kmart, as they were having a huge 50-70% blowout sale, well the first time to Kmart we bough a few items, as this video will show. We decided to go again about 2 weeks later, and they dropped the sale to 80% off of clothing, and other items were at various prices, we though OH MY GOSH. By the end of our shopping trip, the shopping cart was full and we walked out with 4-5 bags full of men's clothing, men's hoodies, some women's clothing. Don't get me wrong, I love wearing oversized hoodies in the winter since they keep me cozy, and are very fashionable. Plus they're very warm, and comfortable. I focused more on Continue Reading ~ I’m A Bargain Hunter
Nowadays, we all are looking to save. For the past I would say 4 years, I have diligently looked for ways to save money, be it coupons, promo codes, Adorama coupons, online deals, free shipping deals, any kind of hot deal out there, I am there hehe. I am pretty proud of it. I think I have touched bases about this before in the past. But now I come to you with another source, yay! If you are anything like me, and you are a bargain deal, coupon clipper, then you want to check out this website, they have everything I mentioned, from different stores, they show you the latest items on sale, plus promo codes to use if you are buying online. What better way to save, plus it's all on one website. I go to several promo code websites, but I was always looking for one that had a good amount of popular websites I shop at, in Continue Reading
They Go So Fast!
I can't believe how fast the weekends just zoom on past us! Where is time going, why is it going faster and faster as we get older and older, I don't get it lol. Do you? If you do please tell me what's up? And what is up with the weather, it has been crazy! Raining one day, super hot the next, wow that is some craziness, at least it is out here in Massachusetts. The humidity is horrible, if you are anything like me, and you really don't like to be in humid weather, you do not want to live out here. Believe me the Fall out here is breath taking, always wanted to experience it, and now I have, but with that comes all the other wonderful seasons lol. But seriously it's so worth it, I know I complain about this and that, when it's humid, and I just can't help it. It doesn't last long, once I'm cooled off, I am just fine. I have often Continue Reading