Did Mother Nature fool us again? Just when you thought, 'Wow Spring is here', we get hit with cloudy days, cold nights and possibly some rain! Come on my dearest Mother Nature, give us a some warm sunny days. I'm sure they will come eventually, but how about now? Don't be a big tease! Seriously, just when I'm telling William, "Heck yeah I'm ready for some BBQing", then suddenly the weather changes. I put on a sweater, close the windows and I'll probably pop on the heater so I stay warm! What a disappointment. I know what you are thinking? Why can't she just be patient? I don't have an answer!! Okay yes I do, and I already gave it in this post lol, but I will try to be a bit more patient *puts on sweater* I know the weather out here in Massachusetts, is going to be chilly, because the air is dry, and I get zapped every time I touch a Continue Reading
Upgrading This, Upgrade That! Ugh!!
For the past 2 days, I've been working on my collective site over at KM and I have been working on upgrading, I think it's an upgrade from FanUpdate to WordPress because there are no more updates being made for FanUpdate, and as much as I liked it, and as easy as it was to install. I felt I needed something that has more updates and fixes. So I decided to install WordPress. Everything is going fine, just creating my pages, as I want my site to be used all around not just the blog portion of it. Lot's of pages, but I will be 100% happier. I have some issues with the Keep In Mind script, I also upgraded that one from the old one I had, which I'm happier about. But getting it to integrate with WP is another thing, so that will take some time. I may, for the time being, make a little layout just for just my KIM, until I figure out how to Continue Reading