Happy New Year!! Yes, the big holidays are over, but we have another round of holidays coming up now. Valentine's and Easter, more spending? LOL Does this ever end, it seems to be a continuous circle lol. I need to do a lot less of it, though, keep the cash flow out to a minimum and the cash flow in on high gear lol. I am hoping for more sales now that I am finally getting around to listing stuff on Ebay. Speaking of spending. I was at Dollar Tree over the last 2 weeks, and just yesterday we were in there, and they already have Valentine and Easter things, some people say they gave seem St. Patrick's Day merchandise as well. Haha, dang I tell you. I did pick up a few things for Valentine's to decorate, I don't think I will for Easter because we don't have kids, so it seems pointless. Lol. And everyone knows, women love Valentine's Continue Reading
Trump won, all said and done!
There you go, very simple. Trump won. I woke up at about 3 am to feed Lily and Daisy, they have strange hours and Lily will make sure we hear her lol. Got up, turned the TV on, and there it was. Trump won! Few minutes later, he came out to speak, I'm glad I got to see that live in real time. And yes we are Trump supporters. I don't need or want to debate about any politics with anyone, we are just happy with the results. All day today, all I see is negativity, and hate. Some threatening to move to Canada, I feel if that makes them happy, I wish them well. People were unfriending each other based on their political views, wow right? Come on, grow up! Not everyone is not going to have the same views, that is that is what makes us different and unique, but to go to that extent geez, I guess this post may prompt some to unfriend me. Ah Continue Reading
Keeping Busy, Making Money!
My summer is turning out to be very busy. Both myself and my honey have jumped on the bad wagon, and started to sell on Amazon, woohoo! I love shopping, so this is fun hehe, even if it isn't for ourselves. I have to admit, I have found things that I really liked for myself , but I think anyone would too. So my honey is taking care of Amazon, and I in turn am handling Ebay, believe me, listing on Ebay is much more time consuming than Amazon. I have a Spring beauty box I got, oh my gosh I know it is Summer, but I wanted to share it anyway. I enjoy Walmart beauty box more than the other monthly subscriptions, for 1. it is less expensive, and 2. I like the things they send. Check out the video below! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MY3lTfAmN4Y A lot of nice things in this box if you want to sign up, go Continue Reading