Thank you so very much! To each and every person , man or woman, who has served, is serving and will serve to protect us. Thank you so much for putting your life before ours, for keeping us safe, keeping the children of the future safe. I don't think it is ever possible to tell you enough thank you's. So many people do not realise what you all have done to keep us safe. Many will learn and respect you in time. I'd like to thank my two brothers, Eric and Omar, who served in the Air Force and Navy, respectively, thank you for serving. I love and miss you guys. I think the younger generations are beginning to understand more and more what these men and women have done for us all. If you are out and about and see a veteran, thank them, don't wait for Veterans day to thank them. If it wasn't for them, we wouldn't be Continue Reading
God Bless Our Veterans
Seriously I am so thankful to each and every soldier that ever served, without them this world would be real chaos. They help keep the peace in whatever way they could, unfortunately some gave their lives, and because of this is why we should honor them on this day and everyday. I want to thank those that have come across in my life time that have served, and especially to those I hold dear to my heart, my brothers both served in the Air Force and Navy, I thank them for putting themselves out there to keep this world just a little more safer. Thank you Thank you Thank you and God Bless you and your loved ones. I should of wrote this earlier, but my day has been pretty hectic. Anyway I walked outside today, to accompany my boyfriend while he smoked a cigarette (yeah nasty habit, but I love him and I'm use to it), besides I smoke a bit Continue Reading