I was very happy when I stepped on the scale this morning. I didn't have any coffee or breakfast yet, I never do when I am going to weigh in. I put on my catpuccino socks and grabbed the scale, got my phone ready, and stepped on the scale. I weighed in at 296.0 lbs, which is a 2.3 lbs loss, yay! Very happy with those results. I was just talking with my husband while folding some laundry. About the time I started walking on the treadmill. It was in December 2014, I believe I was at a weight of 265.3 lbs. At that point, I had already been losing weight by counting calories. We think I could start walking on the treadmill again at about 280 lbs. I don't want to get on the treadmill again too heavy as I don't want to be at fault for breaking it hehe. When I started counting calories again this time around. I tried walking on the Continue Reading
Weigh-in #01 – Here We Go Again!
Yeah, that is correct. Here I go again, trying to lose weight. I did it before, and things just went wrong. I am not going to go in-depth about that, as I have already posted a blog about it when it happened. If I can dig up the blog post, I will add a link in this post leading you to that post. I finally got tired of being overweight, it happens to us all, but for me, I just had enough of it. I am tired of it. I don't feel well, well I do feel well, but my knees are bothering me. I am 5'1 small framed but I am way overweight, into the obese category sad to say I am 58 and I don't want to die because I am overweight. I am being brutally honest with you all here. However, I hope all that changes. I started my diet officially on Jan 2, 2023, and on that day I weighed in, to see where I would be starting. My weight at the time was Continue Reading
New Year, New Trials and Tribulations, Let’s GO!
Last year was ok until I hit that bad bump. But it is 2017, Happy New Year, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas season, we did. I am excited, and I am back on my diet (way of life) lol. This is my 5th day. Saturday was my second weight-in, so I will show both in a moment, but I will tell you, I did gain weight, that is a no-brainer after my last post. So here we go (again)~! But I also lost weight, so Yay! I began writing this, last week so I do have an additional weigh-in. I thought about titling my weight status as I did before, but since I won't be doing one each week, I may just group a few. I really have so much going on, I have to organize my time better. It is so hard, though, I get sidetracked, and that throws me off. I managed 40 minutes of walking on the treadmill today lol, man I miss where I was before, I really Continue Reading