Yes, that is how it happens. Just from my last post so much has happened that is just incredibly scary. Even though it is scary, this CoronaVirus, we HAVE TO exercise what President Trump is trying to do. It pisses me off to see these people in Florida and who see what is happening and yet still find that it is "OK" to go to the beach like nothing is happening. Really? WTF people, get your asses home! The other issue is pet owners surrendering their pets because they either can't feed them, hello they are part of your family, how can you do that to them. Or they think they can catch the CoronaVirus from their pet. Here is an article on it. It has been said already you cannot get or pass the CoronaVirus with your pets. There is no reason to surrender them. If you are not going to be a responsible pet owner, why did you get a pet Continue Reading