Oh my it's been a bit since I posted, but I am back. I have recently wanted to start up with my video making, I haven't done one in months. I miss it, but for those who keep up, know what that is all about. I am also doing the dieting thing. Which by the way is going great, I have lost over 50 lbs already, isn't that just fantastic?? Even if you aren't impressed, I am. And that is the only 'real' person that counts! I am keeping track in two ways, using MyFitnessPal, that is life saver, but I also post about it in my other blog. It helps me keep track. I started doing my nails again,but not with glitter, I have just wanted to enjoy the nail polishes I have. Which I just scored on some at Walgreens this weekend. I have printed off $1 off coupons, about 6, with my Williams help of course, and they were on sale $4/2, so I got them at a Continue Reading
Weigh-in #9 – Officially in the 200’s Yay!
That is right, today’s weigh-in put me into the 200s, which is an achievement I have not been able to do in a very long time. I’m talking for years and years. So it makes me really happy. Now even though I’m in the 200s I’m only at 299.2 lbs, yeah I can only imagine what some people are saying, hey I’m in the 200s I made it, so there :P Now I just need to keep it up, or should I say, keep it going down lol I lost 1.5 lbs since last week. Sure I was hoping for a bigger number, but right before I stepped on the scale, I told myself I would be happy with just a 1 pound, and I got 1.5 lbs, so I say that is great! I even took a photo, I may start posting my weigh-in results in photo form as well, hmm something to think about. I do record it though for my own records, so if I forget to post about it, I can go back and check my videos. I Continue Reading
On The Fence About Vaping
Hey so it’s been I’m not sure since last Saturday that I posted. I better check lol. No, I am wrong. I did skip last Saturday, but that is because I was very sick. I am much better now. I was so sick I had to be hospitalized. I know how scary right? I caught a nasty virus, not even going to get into that. But I am better now, done with my medication and all that good stuff, I feel I’m at 100% now, but I still need to do a follow-up, will do that soon, want to make sure I am 100%. Oh yeah happy Friday the 13th, do you believe in all that superstitious stuff? I do to a point, like I do believe in ghosts, definitely do. I think I have had a few experiences in my lifetime, that I won’t recount or I will just spook myself LOL. Had a good day today, somethings could have been better but as of 7:17 pm, all is good in this household. Continue Reading