I cannot believe how fast time has passed, in some ways I am happy because it means things can get better. However, I feel like some things will stay the same. It has not felt like Christmas I am sorry to say. We did do some decorating. We did not put out lights outside, we just didn't feel like it. I was okay with that. But we did do a little decorating inside. We did not put up our traditional Christmas tree, we went with a faux pencil tree, and it looks quite cute if I don't say so myself. 11 days until Christmas, are you looking forward to it? The big news for me is, on the social media side of things. I have closed my main YouTube channel, PrettyThingsRock. Yeah, I felt it was getting old, I was not enjoying it as much as I had before, and lord knows I spent way too much money on that. I should rephrase, I wasted a lot of money, Continue Reading
Archives for December 2020
The End Of The Year Is Here!
Can you believe how fast this year has gone? And oh my goodness so much craziness going on. We really need our nation to heal. What is happening is unacceptable. I don't like talking about politics too much, but I just want the truth to come out, whatever it may be. God help us all. On a happier note. I am starting to see houses with Christmas lights, it is a time for cheer and we all need it badly. We aren't going to put up many lights this year, but we will be putting up a Christmas tree. We cannot have a real tree because we have cats, and if you have cats you shouldn't either. Please don't put a real tree, this is very dangerous for cats and dogs. I'll leave a link to a good article, please use good judgment, we all want a happy and safe Christmas. Continue Reading