For the last two weeks, really since May 2023, we have had a bad internet connection. But the last two weeks have been horrible, most of the time seemed like downtime. It got to a point I needed to call Verizon and find out what was happening. I tried numerous times to restart the router and troubleshoot via the Verizon app which they recommend. Then I tried a chat session, the first time we got disconnected due to doing it via my computer, I should have known better. But then I tried again via computer, and the same thing happened. I was pretty upset. I finally decided to try the chat session via my browser on my phone and have it on data only. Well, when the rep needed me to go to my browser and do a speed test, we got disconnected. I was fuming by this time, but trying to keep my cool. I then decided to call and went through everything Continue Reading
Are Things Getting More Difficult, or Is it Just Me?
I think if you are the kind of person that pays attention to what is going on in the world, you can see things falling apart. There are things that are happening, that should never have happened. My last post speaks volumes. Where are those Americans? I pray for them, that they are safe. What about the 13 soldiers that lost their lives, I pray that God has them by his side. And how about those that are losing their jobs of the vaccine mandate? Why is it okay that congress doesn't have to oblige by the mandate but nurses, police officers and everyone else has to, otherwise lose their jobs? How is this fair? I'm sorry but something is seriously wrong. The Biden administration is ruining everything that was going right. Why? Is this a sign of what is to come? How far and how bad is this going to get? Wake up people please, before it is Continue Reading
The Kuhner Report Speaks The Truth!
Jeff Kuhner of The Kuhner Report has been on YouTube for a while, and now because he is talking about the coronavirus, they decide to pull today's podcast. Honestly, what happened to freedom of speech. So many YouTubers on this platform have posted stuff that is not true or full of lies, and who knows what else. But yet they stay on YouTube. But someone that wants to talk about the coronavirus and have guests speak their minds, they remove him. What the heck is going on. You know even if you don't believe what he has to say, he still has the right to share his thoughts, along with his guests, it is such bullshit. This is one of the biggest reasons why I left YouTube. Thankfully you can still find The Kuhner Report on If you haven't checked Rumble out you should as an alternative to YouTube, because honestly, YouTube is Continue Reading