It's been awhile since I have done a 30 Days of truth, so here we go. I think if I was notified that my best friend got into a car accident, I think my heart would jump out of my chest, and I would try to keep myself calm, but still feeling very scared. Recently I read that there were 225 fatal crashes in Fort Lauderdale, with an estimated 1800 injured. If my friend was among that number, I don't think I would be making rational decisions as I would be overwhelmed with emotions. Especially if it were something very serious, maybe requiring neurosurgery to fix. How would you handle it, specially if the injuries where that serious? Part of me doesn't even wand to think about it. Still, accidents are a given, and they happen no matter how cautious one may try to be. The responsibilities of owning and driving a car are much greater than one Continue Reading
Days Of Truth – Day 20: Your Views On Drugs and Alcohol
Say No To Drugs, is my first thoughts. Don't abuse the alcohol and well hopefully you will use common sense and get help. I know that we all experimented at some point in our lives, but at one point we have to know when to say no. Some people don't learn their lesson until it's too late, and they either end up doing time on prison, or 6 feet under. Both places you don't want to end up. Sometimes, when a substance be in drugs or alcohol are abused, you do things, you wouldn't normally do. There are times girls will drink to the point of losing control, and guys will take advantage of them, that happens so much these days. What about hazing, where alcohol is abused as well, and someone ends up stuck in a trunk, drowning in his or her own vomit, it's a terrible thing to image, but it does happen, it has happened, and I hate to say this, it Continue Reading
Fort Lauderdale’s Best Personal Injury Lawyer
When you have a accident, and you need an auto accident attorney the last thing on your mind is having to pay an up front fee. You have enough problems worrying about yourself or the loved one that were injured. I was lucky to find a quality Birmingham auto accident attorney. Believe me, these days with the way the economy is, finding good personal injury attorneys is important, and even more so not having to pay a penny, until your case is won. Now that is what I consider a fantastic lawyer in my book. So much confidence comes from that I feel, when a lawyer states something like that, and they are true to their word, you know you made the right choice. You know what gets to me, is the TV commercial about lawyers that claim they won't charge you money, until they win your!. I mean they tell you "no matter what it is' you won't have to Continue Reading