So what is going on with me? I leave this blog for a whole year with nothing added. My diet went down the drain, but I have plans of starting a new one, a much different one. A Keto diet. I am excited to do it, as I have said before, it is not just a diet, it is a way of life, a lifestyle change. My honey, however, is going to join in, because it will just make things hard if it is only me doing it, and he wants to lose a bit of weight he gained since he stopped smoking and drinking, wow huh? Big props to him for doing it on his own! Apart from the diet things, this blog has literally gone nowhere. And that is because I have another dedicated blog. I wanted to have just a diet blog, but it doesn't seem like that is going to work out. This domain is soon to expire, and I think I just may let it. I don't have much on here as far as Continue Reading