I have been busy, but when aren't I right? There just isn't enough time in a day, to do all that you want to do. And even when you are busy, you just have to take some time out for yourself. It is healthy. I recently posted a weigh-in, as recent as today (Jan 19, 2023), depending on when I post this lol. I am happy with those results, although I know they won't always be what I want, all I can do is try my best. It is better than not trying at all. It is raining today, a dreary day. It got colder in my hobby room, and then I realized it was raining. It always gets colder when it rains. I am surprised we haven't got a lot of snow. However, it is normal for us to get a lot of snow from February through March. I am kind of looking forward to it, but at the same time, I am not. I say this because I worry about my feral boys outside. Sammy Continue Reading
And The Weather Says …
It's going to be warmer than usual today and tomorrow, and a bit humid over the weekend, I suppose I am okay with that. I am not crazy about the humid weather, but because we will have a lot of cold coming soon, this is really nice to see and feel. I mean right now, the sun is bursting through my window, I have the blinds closed, but it's gorgeous. I had to quickly snap a picture with my phone, that doesn't even really show how lovely it looks as the sun comes through the blinds. I will be missing spring and summer, and looking forward to next years nice weather. So pretty, the next few days will be nice, maybe even BBQ weather, yay! William is always looking to do a little BBQing, so you never know. He said he may take Friday off, as we are looking at vehicles, he wants to get rid of his gas guzzling truck. I don't blame him either, Continue Reading
Hello November
Gosh October has just flown by. Where does time go? It goes way too fast, and I seem to always say this. So the last few days, I have been feeling miserable, with this cold & cough that won't go away, it sucks so badly. I'll get over it soon. William my sweet boyfriend has been so good, taking care of me. I hope he don't catch it. See boyfriends are good for something. No I'm kidding, they are good for so many wonderful things, and my baby has a lot of love to give, and vice versa. So I finally put kiss-me.org and on a closed status as I have moved my website to another domain, finally I can't believe I did it. And list-me.com is under construction, finally did that too, I really want to upgrade the script, and I'm finally starting the stages into doing that. I can't be 100% sure that I will be able to keep everyone listed, I'm Continue Reading