Is anyone going to have a green beer today? I am *raises hand* hehe. I have never had a green beer, I know it' silly, and it's probably just food coloring in it, but it's still fun because its St. Patrick's Day, so today I will have a beer or two. And since I have William around me which is part Irish how better can it get, okay maybe if my friend Alice was around too that would rock, as she is full blooded Irish! Even my coffee cup is green today. Gosh do you remember as a kid in school, if you didn't wear anything green you got pinched? Lmao omgosh I remember that so clearly, there were a few years I'd forget to wear green and I'd get pinched, then I would turn around and say look at my eyes you fool they are green hehe. Well they were then, now they are more hazelish green. It was still funny. Where did that come from the pinching if Continue Reading