I have been vaping off and on for maybe over a month, close to two months. At first, my experience wasn’t that great. I come to realize, that smoking and vaping are different in the sense that, it is not going to be at all like smoking a cigarette. You see smoke sure, but the taste is different, very different. My honey didn’t like what they call the throat hit, how it feels on the throat, it actually made him cough, and that put him off. The same happened to me, but I was determined to keep trying. I wanted this more for him than for myself. I quit before. I started to smoke because he smokes, I kind of keep him company thing, we’d share a cigarette and whatnot. After his experience, he was completely turned off by it. I was really hoping this would be what we needed so we both stay off of cigarettes. I still smoke with him, and during Continue Reading