Nineteen days until the official first day of Fall! Wow, already so hard to believe. Just today I was looking out the kitchen window into the backyard and I saw a few leaves fall. I turned to William and told him, "I just saw a few leaves fall". He says "bite your tongue". Yeah, I don't think he is ready for Fall and to be quite honest, I'm not either. We are really enjoying our summer. During our Labor Day weekend, my honey as I like to refer to William spent some time doing some repairs to the house, not urgent repairs but things we wanted to fix, like our faucet in the bathroom needed replacing. We had recently had the bathroom redone, and by the way, it looks gorgeous. Back to the sink, yeah we used our old faucet and thought it was time for a new one, so a new went up. I like it, it matches the rest of the hardware in the Continue Reading