Well I don't know what is up with me. I just felt like doing another one of these yay! Haha, I wish I could put sound effects to my blog, so when you see 'yay', you can also hear it, yeah it would get annoying after awhile, then again I don't do it much, maybe once in a blog post. Okay here goes with Day 5! Question: Something you hope to do in your life. Wow, well I'm getting way way hehe, up there in age, and it's probably too late to even go there, but I have wanted to have a baby, and I just haven't been able to. I'm broken, but I'm living with it. Have not seen a doctor about it, figured, if the good Lord didn't want me to have one, then he has his reasons. Is that dumb to think like that? I don't know, maybe. But it is, what it is. William, has no children either, and believe me I have seen him first hand with his niece Continue Reading
Sleepaway Camps Rock!
Remember when you were a kid, and you went off to camp every summer? Remember how much fun you had? Sure you were a bit scared, and probably home sick too, but oh the fun you had!! Well don't you want your kids to have that much fun too? I know I would! Not only for my kids, but my niece and nephews and my friends kids, gosh just about every kid I can think of should experience such an awesome time. And you don't have to be a little kid, a young teen can have just as much fun! I tell you something, they will have those memories forever, and it's a great time for the kids to have fun during summer, and the parents get to relax and exhale, hahah! But how do you pick a good sleepaway camp? There are tons to look at on the internet, and you can always go by word of mouth as well. But let me recommend two websites, Tips On Trips and Camps, Continue Reading
Ok, so I had finally decided with a few other friends, to move to a new server. On one of my websites, the downtime has been ridiculous, and it just wasn't worth it anymore. Even though I still have 6 months left on that hosting, the downtime is just so disruptive, so I have decided to move. We are buying a reseller which is fantastic. I'm excited about it, but at the same time I'm in charge so more responsibility for me. I'm talking with support right now before making the purchase, I just wanted a few question answered. Got to make sure I cover all areas, as much as possible. So I will be experiencing downtime as files are being moved. While that is going on, let me just say, I have fantastic birthday, my wonderful boyfriend went above and beyond. Even though my birthday fell on a Sunday, and not everything is open on a Sunday, Continue Reading