For the last two weeks, really since May 2023, we have had a bad internet connection. But the last two weeks have been horrible, most of the time seemed like downtime. It got to a point I needed to call Verizon and find out what was happening. I tried numerous times to restart the router and troubleshoot via the Verizon app which they recommend. Then I tried a chat session, the first time we got disconnected due to doing it via my computer, I should have known better. But then I tried again via computer, and the same thing happened. I was pretty upset. I finally decided to try the chat session via my browser on my phone and have it on data only. Well, when the rep needed me to go to my browser and do a speed test, we got disconnected. I was fuming by this time, but trying to keep my cool. I then decided to call and went through everything Continue Reading
Happy Labor Day!
So the terrible hurricane has passed, and left it's destruction. I want to briefly talk about this, okay I think that's enough now lol, just kidding. No really we even lost our power for a few hours. I can't imagine what others are going through. We got ice, and prepared ourselves. IMHO, I think it's better to be prepared than to get caught without your pants down so to speak. Seriously I'm happy we were prepared, because you just never know. From what I heard, I can't remember how but at least 30 some people lost their lives, gosh that's horrible :(, my loving William still has no phone or internet at his work, sure they got electricity, but can you imagine how hard it is to run a business with those two missing services. I know Verizon and the power company are trying their hardest to get that turned on. I hope it's soon. I hate to see Continue Reading