Water, have you given it much thought? Where it comes, how it gets here, and how lucky we are to have it at our disposal as we do? I do now and then, and that's being honest. Because it's so easy to access for us, we don't think about it much. We have access to the best water softener system, which gets us clean water with essential nutrients and minerals, so we don't put much thought towards it. Well don't feel guilty, a lot of people do the same thing. This post is brought to you in part by http://blogactionday.change.org/, and myself :) Here is your chance to get involved and spread the word on the work that water.org is doing, they are amazing, there isn't enough words to say what a difference they are making, and what a difference we can make as well. The people from Africa and the like, walk miles and miles to get their water, and Continue Reading