What? Another giveaway, come on who doesn't like freebies and giveaways? Raise your hand!! I see all of you raising your hand out there lol. So this time around it is the Egg-Tastic Egg Cooker, and yeah it really does work!! I have tried it out, check out my photos below, and the yummy eggs I made. It is so easy to make too! If you are on the run, don't have time to really sit down to a breakfast, throwing an egg or two, some yummy veggie, pop it into the microwave, and be careful, as it comes out hot, so put on some a mitten! Let it cool a minute and you are ready to eat it! Quickly done, ready to eat in less than 2 minutes. If you aren't sure how long to cook, make sure to take a look at the cooking guide they send along, this should be followed when using Egg-Tastic. Above all read ALL the instructions before use!! Continue Reading
Lotto Mania! How Can You Not Want To Play It?!
Who doesn't like to play lotto now and then? We definitely do in our household, we even go as far as to buy our yearly number, so we don't forget to buy it each week, smart hey? I think so, it's just one of those things you do in the event we forget. Well if you like playing the Lotto, and I know you do ;) And how about them scratcher cards, those are awesome too, I know William has won a few times, so definitely do it, and his mom won like $200.00 at one time. I am not kidding you, and on top of all that, you know what Williams grandmother wants for Christmas and her birthday? Hah, yeah that is correct, scratcher tickets, she's gotta play them!! Well if you like winning some extra cash, and these days every little bit of extra helps, right? Heck yeah I'm right. Well why not play on the online lotto style website and win some cash!!?? Continue Reading