Yeah how funny is that, to almost forget about your site. Probably because all i do is blog and complain? Lol. Not really but hey thanks so much for the comments about my mom, and the baby, thats really sweet of everyone. I think I’m going to be much pickier with people that I affiliate, if you are one who has so many affiliates you don’t know who is who, then forget about applying. I’m not trying to be mean, I want people that actually give a care about what is happening to me and my life. Okay you don’t have to be like all into what I say but at least keep up you know? I know most people do have a lot going on in their lived and probably don’t have as much time to blog and comment as they want. I mean look at how long I took, and its not like I’m raising a family because I’m not. I get distracted a lot, and I have some personal issues going on that I don’t care to talk about on here. Yeah its my personal blog but some stuff is just too personal to talk about because its no ones business haha.
So what else is up, not a lot, I am so bored. I don’t have much to talk about. I need to work on one of my sites and I have yet to do that. I have so much going on in my life that when it comes to revamping totally I really don’t have the time Don’t want to go into the same stuf. Ahh I’m having internet problems and I am in a bad mood now haha. I think I’ve had problems ever since we switched broadband, I thought Sky was suppose to be good, when we were on talk talk we didn’t have these damn problems, whats worse is I can’t call to America for free now I am so bummed out now!!! Grrrr. Well I’ll soon be able to visit and well I won’t need to call haha. I can’t recall any broadband that offers landline and free international calling. How cheap is America with that hahaha. OH well! Hell with it. I got no choice for my internet to work properly, although I have to say it only happened on select few sites, so is that me? Or their hosting? Hmm good question. With that thought I’m out for the night. Oh yeah my net is working again, and I left my blog sitting here unpublished haha. Have a great day everyone!
Omg yeah i totally seen that movie Horton hears a who! wasn’t it just adorable? I love those kind of movies. I had problems today as well with sky lol, I guess its not me after all.