Last few days I've been feeling ill. My throat is sore, it has been for a few days now. I've been tired, when I shouldn't be. I just want to be back the way I was. I'm hoping to get better next few days *fingers crossed*. Β A change of subject, I can't believe there is yet another WP upgrade, omgosh! Auto updating I'm a bit scared to do, as I don't want it to over ride my current theme. So it's all about manual updating. I suppose I can back up my themes just incase. Speaking of themes, I can't seem to find a nice 3 column theme, thank you Kryz for the links you sent me but I didn't like any of the ones I seen :( but you are a doll for sending me them :) I am rather excited about New Moon coming out. I must of watched Twilight like 9 or 10 times already. Yeah that's kind of sad but its such a great story. I need to post this soon, I'm Continue Reading