I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year's eve, and that your new year is going to be filled with health, love, happiness, and lots of beautiful memories. My 2013 had its moments, from becoming engaged to getting a kitten that I've wanted for so long. Speaking of Daisy, she is growing so fast!! I love her more and more each day. And my wonderful fiancΓ© is amazing as always, always close to my heart forever. I wish everyone the happiness I am living. Thank you for being a part of my readers even if you don't leave comments, I know you come here, stats show it hehe :) Thank you. So now comes the question!! What is my New Years' Resolution (s)? Well, I am going to try a few. 1. Lose Weight 2. Better Organize my hobby room 3. Post at least one item a week on Ebay (need to get rid of things, as they say, out with the old, Continue Reading
I Could Not Cry For A Year, I Was In Shock!
Today marks the 11th anniversary since I lost my mother, 'Anniversary'?, is that even an appropriate word? I'm not celebrating her passing, I'm mourning it. So what do I call it? I could just say, today marks the 1lth year since I lost my mother? Yeah that sounds better. In no way do I want anyone to think I'm celebrating. On the contrary, I feel very much alone. Now you know I had to write a blog in memory of her, and this is it. I'm not sure what I'll talk about, so this will be one of those random type posts, where I just talk about whatever is in my mind. And today has been her. We went out and did a little grocery shopping, there was some good sales, mom would be proud of me. When we did our shopping back in the day, we use to plan our route, from the farthest store to the nearest one, and do our shopping that way, and we did use Continue Reading
Sleepaway Camps Rock!
Remember when you were a kid, and you went off to camp every summer? Remember how much fun you had? Sure you were a bit scared, and probably home sick too, but oh the fun you had!! Well don't you want your kids to have that much fun too? I know I would! Not only for my kids, but my niece and nephews and my friends kids, gosh just about every kid I can think of should experience such an awesome time. And you don't have to be a little kid, a young teen can have just as much fun! I tell you something, they will have those memories forever, and it's a great time for the kids to have fun during summer, and the parents get to relax and exhale, hahah! But how do you pick a good sleepaway camp? There are tons to look at on the internet, and you can always go by word of mouth as well. But let me recommend two websites, Tips On Trips and Camps, Continue Reading