I didn't know how to title this post. I originally titled it "God, Life, World, Death" but I have a feeling I will change that. Recently I have had so many different feelings about the World, and My Life. And where is it going, what am I going to do with the rest of my life? I closed my YouTube page, as now I feel it is a waste of time. I wish I had focused more on God and my faith. I feel it is never too late. People seem to try to distance themselves from people that speak about God a lot. I think I am guilty of that. Not because I didn't or don't believe in God because I do. But I feel it is because I didn't understand it, or subconsciously I was scared of knowing the truth. I suppose my truth will be different from others. Anyway, I say about a week ago. I feel I truly received God into my heart. I have my oldest brother to Continue Reading