I'll be the first to say, I <3 my gadgets, but do they run my life?? Granted that they aren't as important as the tools from C Larboard, but no, not really, but we are dependent on them, to make life easier, quicker and be social without really being social, LOL. Does that make sense?? It does in my head. How many of you find yourself taking your phone to the restroom, when you really shouldn't?? *raises hand*, yeah I admit it, I can't help it, I should take a magazine lol. Reading should be something, I do more than anything else, liker playing games, or tweeting or facebooking, or even watch YouTube videos. But I can't help myself, can you? So again, I ask. Do gadgets run your life??? Makes you think doesn't it? I guess being dependent on these wonderful gadgets in a way does kind of mean they run our lives, or better yet, we just Continue Reading
30 Days Of Truth: Day 17: A Book You’ve Read That Changed Your Views On Something
I don't read as much as I should to be quite honest. I think we all should read more than watching TV or being online, although a lot of people read online, so I suppose that is reading in a form. When I say read, I mean away from the computer, but then again on that note. I use my NOOK heh. Which makes it easier to hold if it's a thick book I'm reading, or hardcover, those can be heavy as well. Being that this 30 Days of truth, and I'm not sure if I will be able to answer that question because my taste in books, well I suppose they can change my views on things heh, in a scary sort of way. Day 17: A Book You’ve Read That Changed Your Views On Something I read the book by Dean Koontz called False Memory, it's been quite a few years since I read the book. This is what the website says about the book. You can read a plot summary of it Continue Reading
30 Days Of Truth – Day 13: A Band Or Artist That Has Gotten You Through Some Tough Ass Days
This 30 DOT is a really super hard one, because I have never really turned to music for comfort in situations, I feel odd saying that, because I know a lot of people do. I guess I'm the odd one then. I think listening to music would depress me more than lift my spirits, funny I know, but I feel that is true for myself. I'm going to give myself some time to think about this, but honestly I don't think I can come up with anything. Well I thought about it, long and hard, and I still can't really connect with any band or artist. As much as I would like, there isn't any at all. I think when tough times come, I just want peace, maybe do a bit of reading or watch a film. But as much as I love music, not one song I can think of has ever been comforting. They are all just different, and even though some may start to relate it goes into a Continue Reading