I am wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, and a prosperous New Year. My husband is off for the next 10 days, and we are going to enjoy each other's company, and try not to get into each other's way, as that can happen sometimes. I try to give him some space, and let him do his thing. Our Christmas has been nice so far. Just last weekend, we went to my in-laws for our annual Christmas luncheon, it was very nice. We had a great time, and I recorded everyone playing the game, that was so much fun. I lost, but my husband won, which was very cool. I think I gained like 15 pounds, and we still are going to my sister-in-law's on Christmas day for our Christmas luncheon. Speaking of gaining weight. One of my New Year's resolutions is to get back on the treadmill, which my husband bought me a couple of years ago. At that time I was on a Continue Reading
Windy, Warm & Rain? How Odd!
Ok so I am as thrilled as the next Fall lover that Fall is finally here, but the last few days, have been odd, especially yesterday and today. Warm and windy for Fall. I mean the first few days of last week were really chilly, I mean so chilly that I thought we'd get an early Winter, but then after that it changed lol. Now I have my hair up with a hair clip, that is how warm it is. But at the same time, I can hear the wind outside, which sounds so amazing, I just love it! I really want to go out and take a walk and just take pictures! I absolutely love love love the Fall! It's nice, at least it's not humid, yuck! Lol. So apart from that, I just closed my contest I was having on Youtube. Now I just need to put all the glitter mixes that the girls sent to me as an entry, that is going to be a lot of fun. I just have to make a quick Continue Reading
No Trailer Yet!?
The weekend has come again. It's going to be a chilly one too. We had light snow yesterday, or was that the day before? In any case, we did. So that has left the air chilly, a real reason to grab a sweater and drink some hot cocoa :) No big plans, I'm accompanying William to his sisters on Saturday, as he's going to do some babysitting, and I didn't feel like being home alone. Besides I wanted to go and see his niece and nephews again, they are just too adorable. Plus it gives me a chance to get out of the house. Hopefully, we don't get any more snow, as that would make the drive more difficult, I'm sure he can handle it though. Earlier in the week, we had some really strong winds, so strong that after the postman arrived and left a package between the door and screen door (it has glass also), I was sitting at the desk, working on Continue Reading