Yeah, Alice seems to be experiencing that at work from some jerks there, it’s possibly racial, as she is Irish and the majority there are English, and/or the fact she is gay and open about it, not that she’s disrespectful mind you but people have been assholes even her supervisors and other higher ranked people. Today she is suppose to have a meeting, and I do hope that went well, I get very concerned for her, she is a sensitive person and she can be hurt even if she don’t show it. Speaking of, she should be off work now and I’m worried she hasn’t called, so I need to stop writing and call her, to check on her. She’s not answering so she’s either in the meeting, or she’s off of work and don’t hear her phone, she’s been officially off from work for 15 minutes. I get worried, I really dislike the people that mistreat others at work, it’s not right! I guess now I’ll just wait and see if she calls me, if she is in the meeting then she’ll know it was me calling. She is having a meeting with 2 of the people at work, line manager and a sergeant or something like that. She’s been very worried since yesterday about this so called meeting, she’s been advised by a work representative about what could take place and what her rights are. So I’m glad that she has that contact with someone that can help her. God take care of her. She was so stressed out about it, and worried, she couldn’t stop talking about, then at about 5 in the morning she called, and I didn’t get to the phone on time but I returned the call and we talked about 2 hours, she felt better about things, and I told her to go back to sleep, as she had to go into work at 3pm, and she needs to be rested. I hate not knowing what’s happening I hope the meeting is not bad, these two people have given her problems, mostly her line manager that is a woman, a bit younger than her, but Alice feels it maybe a homophobic problem on the line managers part, not that she says things, but it’s just her behavior towards Alice, not to mention this other bitch that works there, that anything Alice does that may not be right to her, she goes and runs to the line manager to snitch her out, can you believe it? I me and is she working with children or adults, heck kids act more mature than that. So bascially she’s felt that people have been mistreating her, she found out this other lady that works there, Mish, she had also been bullied. So she is not alone.
So I have a choice, start putting the bed together tonight, mind you it’s 11:21pm, or do it tomorrow after I get up and do some grocery shopping, because on Tuesday I need to take a train into London, and I want to be sure to have the bed done, hmm maybe I’ll wait, I hate doing it, but I promised her I would, so I need to. On the 20th, we are going to go and see a pantomime show about Cinderella it’s going to be a lot of fun, were going to the Hackney Empire, before that, we are going to hang out in Soho, I never been there and am excited to visit! I sent out Christmas cards the other day, spent like 12 pounds on the ones I sent, all going to USA, and one going to Germany, I still have a handful that I need to send but I think I’ll send those out when I’m in London! I can’t really concentrate on this post much, because I am worried about the meeting that Alice is having so I’m going to go. But anyway, I’m sure we’ll have fun in Soho!
Well it looks purple to me. hehe. I hope you have a good christmas. Mine was ehh.. lets say I am glad it’s all over. I hope the meeting goes well. It sucks that people have to be such pig headed and make waves for others. *Hugs*
I just wanted to thank you for the sweet Christmas card you sent. I got it today; just in time for Christmas! Thank you sending it.
Hey Emily!!
Its Megan, i used to be hosted by you..
thought id drop by and say hi..
hope you have a great christmas and a happy new year =]
Hope nothing bad happened at the meeting with Alice and the managers. It’s really unfortunate that there are still so many people who discriminate
Well, I hope your Christmas is going well at least. It seems like so
PS: I love the layout.