Have you ever just felt like blah, like things just seemed off? It did for me today, even though today is really tomorrow lol, if you know what I mean. All day on Thursday I felt as if the day was just weird, uncomfortable, even kind of sad or depressing, I really don't think it's the weather, I think I have a day every so often that I just feel weird. I was telling Alice that today, she said she knew what I mean, she felt it today too. Then again she feels like that a lot lol, if something is not right, it'll depress her. Could it be the cold weather, the high winds? I don't know maybe, but weather usually don't get me down. It's just one of those things. Today I spent all of the day trying to fix something that got messed up, I can't believe that I spent almost 2 days on this, networking stuff. The network connection got all messed Continue Reading