Even though it's not groundhogs day here, I'd still like to say Happy Groundhogs Day, looks like Punxsutawney Phil says we are to expect an early spring, yay! I didn't get to see it on TV but it's great news huh? Omg I have such a bad cold, I caught it from Alice, she had it worse than me, she's much better now, she had a fever and all, poor thing. So glad she is feeling better, but I made her stay in bed a lot until she started feeling better. I finally got a chance to get away from her hehe to be able to post something, so I jumped at the opportunity here at nearly 1am England time, I don't remember if the time stamp thing shows on my blog posts or not, anyway at least I'm able to post something. Since she been sick, and then me beginning to get sick we watched quite a few movies, had so much fun though, because she would make comments Continue Reading