It's been a week and I'm still sick, I got a bad cough, which I have to say has gotten better, so I'm happy. Poor Alice was sick for 2 weeks, I just couldn't believe how it would not go away, and even now she is weak and she has the same cough I do. I'm convinced that, at least with me, this started as an allergy. We might have caught a bug after that but I'm pretty sure something was making me allergic at first. I'm going to schedule an appointment with a Board Certified Allergist Center that is nearby. It's about time I got those tests done so I know what to watch out for. Yeah, it's been that bad! Is it going around? Probably. Good thing she didn't have it when she was sick, that would of been ALOT of time showing her out sick and it just wouldn't look good, so I am glad it happened during her time off. We watched 2 good movies well Continue Reading