I swear thats what I did for about two minutes. Thinking what should I write about. I have a lot on my mind but don't feel like writing it, much less boring the hell out of visitors. I have a few words with my ex tonight, very unpleasant conversation. I do call her my ex, I have been for a while now. It's just not working. She is not for me, I can't handle the way she is. I'm pretty much her punching bag, except she don't actually hit me, okay she has twice but only twice and the second time I almost threw my laptop at her, I have a heavier one now so she best chill. Finances always brings problems to relationships, she yells a lot at me. I told her that it's best I don't come back here. I think it's a wise decision, even though I do want to live in England. I'll see how things go. I'll eventually return, when? I'm not sure. In the mean Continue Reading
Archives for January 2008
Something New
Well I'm excited because I finally put up a new layout at Kiss-Me.Org so go and visit and leave a comment, I'm excited about the comment thing because for the longest time my comments wouldn't work. I tried to upgrade but that didnt go too well. Lol. So I just did a fresh install and that went really well. I also changed the layout, have a thing or two to fix but over all I think it's pretty much done. Alice has been a handful lately, she never can handle stress all that well. Thats an old story I won't even get into. So now that, that website is done, I can turn and focus on something else. I never did get a chance to get that other domain I wanted so that will go on the back burner for a little bit. Not too much because this domain will expire soon. I do look forward to another new one though. Meanwhile, I want to focus on totally Continue Reading
The Beat Goes On..
Ok so here I am again, and I discovered that my collective domain name had expired :( and well I thought I lost it for good but I didn't Yay!! I am so glad because all my fanlistings and stuff is hosted there. So I went and renewed that, and well I guess I have to wait the 24 hours or so for it to propagate so I guess I'll wait for tomorrow. I am not sure when it went down, I think it was on the 12th but still it sucks ass because I had a few hostees and I'm sure theya ren ot happy, but everything will be as it is once the domain name is set. The hosting is fine, it was just the domain name. How funny things happen when you get off line, why couldn't things just be smooth and when you come back everything is the same? I hate that. I have a lot of emails to get to and updating on my directory as well, I emailed my staff and told them not Continue Reading