I do, I really do. I like snow more, it's just so much prettier to look at than rain hehe. Oh I did such a stupid thing today. I was doing laundry and I wanted to put some bleach in the water, well I was opening a new container of bleach. I was using my right hand, as I'm right handed. Well I kind of injured that arm not too long ago, so it's weaker and I couldn't pull off that tab they have on it. So I used my other hand, I pulled, I believe the bottle was very full, and then as I'm pulling *splash* ahhh I splashed some bleach on my new Patriots t-shirt OMG I am sooo pissed off, at myself!! Grrr. I haven't even had the t-shirt for a 2 months and look what I did. I started to cry like a baby lol. William was being a sweetheart and trying to cheer me up. Thank you William :hugleft: I hope to get another one, because I loved that shirt, Continue Reading