Time really does go by fast, it's been 9 years since my mother passed away. Gosh how I miss her! I miss her voice, her laugh, even the way I would aggravate her, and then laugh about it. I miss her loving ways towards me. She was a very loving woman, I have such an empty space in my heart for her. When she passed away, it took me a long time to really begin to heal. We never really get over losing a loved one, but we learn to deal with it better. I have had people in my life that have been so understanding and caring about this. Then there were some that basically said "Get over it" which is really the cruelest thing to say to someone. One day they too will feel what it's like to lose a loved one. I had one person tell me that, I was shocked to be quite honest. That someone could be so cold in that way. I don't need to associate with Continue Reading